Monday, February 25, 2008

Zig-Zag Code

Blocks 3.0 offers the zig-zag swing indicator but doesn't allow you to look into the code. I was interested in this because I'm trying to reproduce Jan Arp's Trender.

What I did was to translate a piece of EasyCode into from "New Trading System and Methods".

First thing to do is to create a new code block. Then, insert the Kswing code (found at the bottom of the page).

Now create the block diagram given in the white box and off you go. Change the integer number to change the sensitivity of the swing points.

1 comment:

Richard said...

This page is very nicely done, lots of good info here. Keep it up, I'm sure you'll have many loyal readers in the future. Feel free to stop by my blog sometime

And let me know if you're interested in trading links.